"Operation Aloha Obama II" launches in Honolulu on May 9th; Washington, DC National Conference video archive on Barack Obama will begin to appear on the Internet. "Boycott Hawaii" movement heads for Honolulu.
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
April 16, 2009
(NEW YORK, NY) "Our introductory YouTube.com video has moved. We are in the process of editing the video archive from the National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate and will have it up on the Internet as soon as possible. We are extremely gratified by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the introductory video," said Andy Martin. "We think the Conference video archive will stimulate debate and discussion on Barack Obama's missing historical records.
"The Conference video archive sets the stage for the next phase of our search for the truth and the facts about Mr. Obama, 'Operation Aloha Obama II,' that will launch in Honolulu on May 9th."
The updated introductory video is at:
Blog updates:
Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Amazon.com or http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available.
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama's radical agenda and also to support www.BoycottHawaii.com.
Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama's political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American.
“The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to almost everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised almost a billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of www.ContrarianCommentary.com.
Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York. He is an announced candidate for Barack Obama’s former U. S. Senate seat.
UPDATES: www.twitter.com/AndyMartinUSA
His columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com.
[NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329 (cell not always on)
E-MAIL: AndyMart20@aol.com © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
E-mail support from a reader for BoycottHawaii.com
Andy, Will send you another modest donation in support of you worthy cause trusting in your financial propriety. Also, you can personally use this e-mail to alert Governor Lingle that will be boycotting my favorite vacation destination until this information is release by their Government. Through the years have enjoyed my time in Hawaii spending countless thousands of dollars in vacation expense but will not spend another dime until the Government releases this information. Also, will be spreading the word ot everyone that I know as support of the boycott is swelling. Until the information is released, will be traveling to the Caribbean for scuba diving, fun and sun on vacations while my preference is to spend the money in the USA in the State of Hawaii. Best Wishes on your endeavors!
Monday, April 13, 2009
E-mail support from a reader for BoycottHawaii.com
It has reached the point where the only thing I can contribute is a change in our plans that will not include a visit to Hawaii. We had been looking forward to a visit to the Island of Kauai. That will no longer be in our vacation planning. I've lost the "soft spot" in my heart that included the hawaiian visit.
Thank you for all the good work that you've done.
Thank you for all the good work that you've done.
E-mail support from a reader for BoycottHawaii.com
Thanks for the update. You might be interested to know that the blogosphere is trying to help with the Boycott. Last week, an article appeared saying Governor Lingle was complaining about the drop in Hawaii tourism. This made it around a number of blogs and people were reporting that they were sending messages to her telling her that Hawaii was being boycotted until the situation with Obama’s birth certificate is resolved. I sent her an e-mail as well and told her that millions of Americans were furious with her and our other elected officials over the eligibility issue and that I hoped she enjoyed the slowdown in tourism and that she should accept full responsibility for it. I figure if the pressure continues to mount at all levels, one day this will break wide open as it should have a year ago.
Keep up the good work.
Keep up the good work.
New video series raises questions about Barack Obama's family history
YouTube video is the first installement of an archive by the Naitonal Conference on Barack Obama. BoycottHawaii.com heading to Honolulu for new investigations.
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
April 14, 2009
New Obama video raises questions about Obama's family history
Washington, DC conference on Barack Obama produces video archive
(WASHINGTON, DC) A new YouTube video, the first of a series of videos from the Washington, DC National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate, is available on the Internet.
"We expect to place a video record of the entire conference on the Internet," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "The questions about Barack Obama's family history are of significant historical interest. We can't understand why Hawai'i officials are engaged in a cover-up. We put up a short trailer to introduce the series.
"We are also raising funds to support our upcoming research mission in Honolulu." "Operation Aloha Obama II" begins May 9th.
The updated video is at:
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 (Andy Martin)
© Andy Martin 2009
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
April 14, 2009
New Obama video raises questions about Obama's family history
Washington, DC conference on Barack Obama produces video archive
(WASHINGTON, DC) A new YouTube video, the first of a series of videos from the Washington, DC National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate, is available on the Internet.
"We expect to place a video record of the entire conference on the Internet," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "The questions about Barack Obama's family history are of significant historical interest. We can't understand why Hawai'i officials are engaged in a cover-up. We put up a short trailer to introduce the series.
"We are also raising funds to support our upcoming research mission in Honolulu." "Operation Aloha Obama II" begins May 9th.
The updated video is at:
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 (Andy Martin)
© Andy Martin 2009
BoycottHawaii.com launches new Honolulu investigations on Obama
New Internet video from National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate zeros in on the gaps in Obama's biography. Obama author Andy Martin leads new "Operation Aloha Obama II" in Hawai'i
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
April 13, 2009
Dear Supporter:
Great news!
We have made tentative reservations to go back to Hawai'i: (1) to continue our research about Barack Obama's personal history; (2) to help Hawai'ians understand why we are recommending an economic boycott of the state and (3) to file new lawsuits seeking access to public and school records concerning Barack Obama's history.
The State of Hawai'i has been stonewalling our requests for documents and violating Hawai'i state law. More lawsuits are probably necessary. However biased the local courts may be, they have unquestioned jurisdiction over the vital information and historical documents we need. So we have to sue in Hawai'i.
We have seven days to pay for the new travel reservations, at which point they will cancel out.
This is our first preliminary letter to update you and advise you if you wish to either (1) financially support the new investigative trip or (2) join the team in Hawai'i or (3) do both.
If funded, "Operation Aloha Obama II" will launch in Honolulu on May 9th and conclude on May 14th.
Last October, "Operation Aloha Obama" was spectacularly successful and even drew mainstream media attention. In the middle of our investigation, Obama announced plans to bring his entourage back to Honolulu.
With a proven record of past success we are now asking for your immediate help.
First, we have done everything we can to cut the costs of the proposed trip to keep costs to a bare minimum. I would be staying at a fleabag hotel to save money. Honolulu is an expensive city. But we will risk a few roaches to make the investigation possible.
Please contribute your support through BoycottHawaii.com, or if you prefer send a check to the above address made out to the Committee of One Million. Even with a barebones budget we still need to raise substantial funds to cover the costs of the trip itself as well as new litigation fees, etc.
There has been some controversy recently concerning the litigation and operating practices of other Obama opponents. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to comment and so I will not.
But here is how we operate: To avoid suspicion or any suggestion of self-interest, we conduct both the Committee of One Million and BoycottHawaii.com on a breakeven basis. To keep costs low, we keep almost all of our work in-house. I am a volunteer. I don’t receive any salary for my work. This lack of financial resources obviously curtails our operations, but it enhances our credibility as a public interest organization devoted solely to the facts and the law with no profit making or self-interest involved.
These financial limitations also explain why we have to ask for money (and why we will have to cancel the trip if support does not materialize).
Second, if you would like to personally join our investigative team in Honolulu, please let us know as soon as possible. We need to know who is coming so we can plan. (You must make your own arrangements to get there and stay there.) Assuming we get the backing to go forward, you would have to show up on or after May 9th and leave on the 14th of May (or later if you stay on).
We will be digging into all aspects of Obama's past. We hope to have enough contributions in advance to run a newspaper ad in a Honolulu paper seeking witnesses.
Third, we will be educating the people of Hawai'i about BoycottHawaii.com. We want to help Hawai'ians reorganize their state to throw off the yoke of cronyism and corruption that makes Hawaii a bipartisan disgrace, a Chicago-in-the-Sunshine.
Finally, it looks as though Hawai'i officials, from the governor on down, are going to fight us on release of Obama's historical records. They are breaking Hawai'i law. We need money to file lawsuits and then carry on the legal battle.
I cannot predict what the evidence will show when we receive it. But I am committed to investing the time and effort to search for the facts and the truth about President Obama. I am sometimes criticized for not making exaggerated claims about BHO. I will not do so. I stick to the evidence, and the honest and open search for the evidence. Of course, I also express opinions and conclusions drawn from the available evidence. But we scrupulously separate fact from fiction. Others are not so punctilious.
Unlike some of Obama's other opponents, we focus solely on the search for the facts and the truth; our credulity cannot be questioned. That is why I am the only one of his critics that Obama has personally and openly attacked. The truth hurts; Obama knows that. We don’t try to attack Obama with lies; we merely want to reveal the truth about his past. That's what he cannot stand.
Please give generously. The investigative team is being generous with their time and energy to make these ongoing investigations and lawsuits possible.
Some people question whether we exaggerate when we call ourselves the "Internet Powerhouse." The first rough-cut snippet of the Washington Conference is now on the Internet:
Now you can see for yourself why we drive Barack Obama crazy.
Please support our efforts with your generous contribution.
Faithfully yours,
Executive Editor
Contrarian Commentary/The Internet Powerhouse
© Andy Martin 2009
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
April 13, 2009
Dear Supporter:
Great news!
We have made tentative reservations to go back to Hawai'i: (1) to continue our research about Barack Obama's personal history; (2) to help Hawai'ians understand why we are recommending an economic boycott of the state and (3) to file new lawsuits seeking access to public and school records concerning Barack Obama's history.
The State of Hawai'i has been stonewalling our requests for documents and violating Hawai'i state law. More lawsuits are probably necessary. However biased the local courts may be, they have unquestioned jurisdiction over the vital information and historical documents we need. So we have to sue in Hawai'i.
We have seven days to pay for the new travel reservations, at which point they will cancel out.
This is our first preliminary letter to update you and advise you if you wish to either (1) financially support the new investigative trip or (2) join the team in Hawai'i or (3) do both.
If funded, "Operation Aloha Obama II" will launch in Honolulu on May 9th and conclude on May 14th.
Last October, "Operation Aloha Obama" was spectacularly successful and even drew mainstream media attention. In the middle of our investigation, Obama announced plans to bring his entourage back to Honolulu.
With a proven record of past success we are now asking for your immediate help.
First, we have done everything we can to cut the costs of the proposed trip to keep costs to a bare minimum. I would be staying at a fleabag hotel to save money. Honolulu is an expensive city. But we will risk a few roaches to make the investigation possible.
Please contribute your support through BoycottHawaii.com, or if you prefer send a check to the above address made out to the Committee of One Million. Even with a barebones budget we still need to raise substantial funds to cover the costs of the trip itself as well as new litigation fees, etc.
There has been some controversy recently concerning the litigation and operating practices of other Obama opponents. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to comment and so I will not.
But here is how we operate: To avoid suspicion or any suggestion of self-interest, we conduct both the Committee of One Million and BoycottHawaii.com on a breakeven basis. To keep costs low, we keep almost all of our work in-house. I am a volunteer. I don’t receive any salary for my work. This lack of financial resources obviously curtails our operations, but it enhances our credibility as a public interest organization devoted solely to the facts and the law with no profit making or self-interest involved.
These financial limitations also explain why we have to ask for money (and why we will have to cancel the trip if support does not materialize).
Second, if you would like to personally join our investigative team in Honolulu, please let us know as soon as possible. We need to know who is coming so we can plan. (You must make your own arrangements to get there and stay there.) Assuming we get the backing to go forward, you would have to show up on or after May 9th and leave on the 14th of May (or later if you stay on).
We will be digging into all aspects of Obama's past. We hope to have enough contributions in advance to run a newspaper ad in a Honolulu paper seeking witnesses.
Third, we will be educating the people of Hawai'i about BoycottHawaii.com. We want to help Hawai'ians reorganize their state to throw off the yoke of cronyism and corruption that makes Hawaii a bipartisan disgrace, a Chicago-in-the-Sunshine.
Finally, it looks as though Hawai'i officials, from the governor on down, are going to fight us on release of Obama's historical records. They are breaking Hawai'i law. We need money to file lawsuits and then carry on the legal battle.
I cannot predict what the evidence will show when we receive it. But I am committed to investing the time and effort to search for the facts and the truth about President Obama. I am sometimes criticized for not making exaggerated claims about BHO. I will not do so. I stick to the evidence, and the honest and open search for the evidence. Of course, I also express opinions and conclusions drawn from the available evidence. But we scrupulously separate fact from fiction. Others are not so punctilious.
Unlike some of Obama's other opponents, we focus solely on the search for the facts and the truth; our credulity cannot be questioned. That is why I am the only one of his critics that Obama has personally and openly attacked. The truth hurts; Obama knows that. We don’t try to attack Obama with lies; we merely want to reveal the truth about his past. That's what he cannot stand.
Please give generously. The investigative team is being generous with their time and energy to make these ongoing investigations and lawsuits possible.
Some people question whether we exaggerate when we call ourselves the "Internet Powerhouse." The first rough-cut snippet of the Washington Conference is now on the Internet:
Now you can see for yourself why we drive Barack Obama crazy.
Please support our efforts with your generous contribution.
Faithfully yours,
Executive Editor
Contrarian Commentary/The Internet Powerhouse
© Andy Martin 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How to boycott: send them a message!
Contact Hawai'i Visitors and Convention Bureau
To contact HVCB direct, please forward questions and comments to the following:
Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau
2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 801
Honolulu, HI 96815
From U.S. And Canada: 1-800-GoHawaii (1-800-464-2924)
Email: info@hvcb.org
Visit the following web sites for information if you are outside North America:
Japan: www.gohawaii.jp
Europe (German-speaking countries): www.hawaii-tourism.de
Europe (English-speaking countries): www.hawaii-tourism.co.uk
Taiwan: www.gohawaii.org.tw
South Korea: www.gohawaii.or.kr
China: www.gohawaii.cn
Oceania: www.hawaiitourism.com.au
Web site specific comments and questions may be forwarded to:webmaster@hvcb.org
To contact HVCB direct, please forward questions and comments to the following:
Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau
2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 801
Honolulu, HI 96815
From U.S. And Canada: 1-800-GoHawaii (1-800-464-2924)
Email: info@hvcb.org
Visit the following web sites for information if you are outside North America:
Japan: www.gohawaii.jp
Europe (German-speaking countries): www.hawaii-tourism.de
Europe (English-speaking countries): www.hawaii-tourism.co.uk
Taiwan: www.gohawaii.org.tw
South Korea: www.gohawaii.or.kr
China: www.gohawaii.cn
Oceania: www.hawaiitourism.com.au
Web site specific comments and questions may be forwarded to:webmaster@hvcb.org
Boycott Hawaii on the state's growing economic problems
From the Los Angeles Times
Hawaii, suffering tourism drop, appeals to Obama
Hotel occupancy rates in the winter are the lowest in at least five years. State officials urge the president to block any policies that would limit business travel.
By Hugo MartínApril 8, 2009Hawaii has suffered one of the worst winters for tourism in recent years and has appealed to the state's most famous native son -- President Obama -- to help turn its fortunes around. Hotel occupancy rates in the winter were the lowest in at least five years, and in February -- traditionally the state's busiest month -- the rate dropped to 75%. That was the lowest level since 1991, during the Persian Gulf War, when it fell to 69.7%, according to Smith Travel Research. The firm said Tuesday that the rates for February have ranged from about 80% to 88% over the last five years. The average daily room rate -- another key measure of the industry's health -- dropped 12.4% in February from the same month in 2008.Because of the country's stubborn recession, Americans have held tight to their travel dollars. But Hawaii's problems are compounded by an increasingly hostile attitude toward business travel, particularly when major corporations are laying off hundreds of workers and accepting government bailouts.In 2008, business travel, such as conferences, conventions and business incentive programs, accounted for about 7% of all tourism in the state, or 442,000 visitors, according to state officials.In a letter to Obama last month, Gov. Linda Lingle and 95 government leaders, business owners and tourism officials urged the president to block any policies that would limit business travel in the future. Lingle said that since Jan. 1, 132 meetings and business trips had been canceled for this year and next, representing a loss of 87,003 room nights. The cancellations amount to losses of $58.8 million in direct revenue and 694 full- and part-time jobs in the state's tourism industry, according to the letter."In this period of economic downturn when our government and businesses are striving to restore economic stability, the last thing we should do is implement policies or encourage behavior that jeopardizes any industry," the governor wrote.Obama himself may have contributed to what many tourism officials see as the vilification of business travel during an Indiana town hall meeting in February. Asked about corporate spending and the federal bailout, the president said: "You can't get corporate jets, you can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer's dime." Later, the White House tried to clarify the statement, saying the president encouraged travel, except for companies accepting government bailout money.Northern Trust Corp. became an example of excess when it hosted clients and employees at a golf tournament at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades in February after accepting $1.6 billion in taxpayer assistance. Afterward, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) introduced legislation barring such expenditures for companies receiving taxpayer dollars.Marcia Wienert, the governor's tourism liaison, said Hawaii's tourism industry has been hurt by companies that have not accepted government money but canceled trips for fear of a negative perception. "Those are the residual effects that were unintended but are having huge impacts on our economy," she said.In response, Hawaii's tourism leaders have launched a campaign pushing the message that workers who meet in Hawaii are happier, more productive and more focused afterward."If you make the decision to cancel your trip to Hawaii or go elsewhere, ultimately that can affect your bottom line," said Mike Murray, vice president for corporate meetings and incentives at the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau.hugo.martin@latimes.com
From the Los Angeles Times
Hawaii, suffering tourism drop, appeals to Obama
Hotel occupancy rates in the winter are the lowest in at least five years. State officials urge the president to block any policies that would limit business travel.
By Hugo MartínApril 8, 2009Hawaii has suffered one of the worst winters for tourism in recent years and has appealed to the state's most famous native son -- President Obama -- to help turn its fortunes around. Hotel occupancy rates in the winter were the lowest in at least five years, and in February -- traditionally the state's busiest month -- the rate dropped to 75%. That was the lowest level since 1991, during the Persian Gulf War, when it fell to 69.7%, according to Smith Travel Research. The firm said Tuesday that the rates for February have ranged from about 80% to 88% over the last five years. The average daily room rate -- another key measure of the industry's health -- dropped 12.4% in February from the same month in 2008.Because of the country's stubborn recession, Americans have held tight to their travel dollars. But Hawaii's problems are compounded by an increasingly hostile attitude toward business travel, particularly when major corporations are laying off hundreds of workers and accepting government bailouts.In 2008, business travel, such as conferences, conventions and business incentive programs, accounted for about 7% of all tourism in the state, or 442,000 visitors, according to state officials.In a letter to Obama last month, Gov. Linda Lingle and 95 government leaders, business owners and tourism officials urged the president to block any policies that would limit business travel in the future. Lingle said that since Jan. 1, 132 meetings and business trips had been canceled for this year and next, representing a loss of 87,003 room nights. The cancellations amount to losses of $58.8 million in direct revenue and 694 full- and part-time jobs in the state's tourism industry, according to the letter."In this period of economic downturn when our government and businesses are striving to restore economic stability, the last thing we should do is implement policies or encourage behavior that jeopardizes any industry," the governor wrote.Obama himself may have contributed to what many tourism officials see as the vilification of business travel during an Indiana town hall meeting in February. Asked about corporate spending and the federal bailout, the president said: "You can't get corporate jets, you can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer's dime." Later, the White House tried to clarify the statement, saying the president encouraged travel, except for companies accepting government bailout money.Northern Trust Corp. became an example of excess when it hosted clients and employees at a golf tournament at the Riviera Country Club in Pacific Palisades in February after accepting $1.6 billion in taxpayer assistance. Afterward, Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) introduced legislation barring such expenditures for companies receiving taxpayer dollars.Marcia Wienert, the governor's tourism liaison, said Hawaii's tourism industry has been hurt by companies that have not accepted government money but canceled trips for fear of a negative perception. "Those are the residual effects that were unintended but are having huge impacts on our economy," she said.In response, Hawaii's tourism leaders have launched a campaign pushing the message that workers who meet in Hawaii are happier, more productive and more focused afterward."If you make the decision to cancel your trip to Hawaii or go elsewhere, ultimately that can affect your bottom line," said Mike Murray, vice president for corporate meetings and incentives at the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau.hugo.martin@latimes.com
Monday, April 6, 2009
Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin launches new Obama blogs
BoycottHawaii.com expands: Blockbuster "birth certificate conference" in Washington, DC spotlights Obama's "missing" past. Martin accuses Hawai'i officials of "stealing our history."
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin announces new blogs to boycott Hawai’i tourism, businesses and products
"Hawai'i officials and school leaders are trying to steal our history," says Martin; "They won’t get away with it. What are they hiding?"
BoycottHawaii.com adds to the state's growing economic woes
(NEW YORK)(April 6, 2009) The first National Conference on Barack Obama’s Missing Birth Certificate was an outstanding success.
BoycottHawaii.com has now launched two new blogs to support the international boycott of Hawaii (also see above):
For media coverage of the National Conference:
Washington — A group seeking to force the State of Hawaii to release President Barack Obama’s birth certificate met this past weekend to discuss the prospects of getting the state to make it public as well as the involved legal issues.So-far, efforts to get Hawaii to release the birth certificate have been hampered by the doctrine of legal standing, which requires a plaintiff to show how he or she has been directly harmed by another person’s actions. In this case, courts have repeatedly ruled ordinary citizens cannot sue Mr. Obama to obtain his birth certificate because they lack standing.The lack of standing mainly stems from the fact the plaintiffs did not raise legal objections to the president’s birth certificate and his place on the ballot before the 2008 primaries. Consequently, the right to legally object was considered to have been legally waived by the courts that have already ruled on the standing issue.Andy Martin, the lawyer and author who is trying to get Hawaii to release Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, led the two-day conference. A long-time critic of Mr. Obama, Mr. Martin is credited with being the first person to raise questions about his religious upbringing and question if he was a Muslim.“There’s never been a meeting where people got together and talked about this controversy, kicked it around,” said Mr. Martin. “We might even stimulate some people to go to Hawaii and take up their own cases.”Mr. Martin, who has written a book about Mr. Obama, argues the president’s birth certificate and school records should be released for historical purposes.Hawaii has laws that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the birth certificate, with an exception for those who have a tangible interest in its contents, an interest Mr. Martin claims he has as a writer, writing about the man who is arguably one of the most public figures in the world.Mr. Martin said his case has a much better chance to succeed because the definition of standing that has kept other cases from proceeding is much more liberal in a state court than a federal court.Interest in the contents of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate intensified in 2008, when his campaign released a print off of his birth data, calling it his birth certificate.While the document is legal, it was not his birth certificate. Mr. Obama’s lengthy legal efforts to prevent the document from being released have generated questions and speculations over what he might have to hide. Speculation has varied from the possibility he could be ineligible to be president to the idea Barack Obama Sr. was not his father.Mr. Martin is critical of the many theories that have flown about in recent months, saying they are understandable, but they should be rooted in the evidence. He is working to get the birth certificate released because he says the American people want the truth.“Why doesn’t he just sit down and tell his story to the American people?” asked Mr. Martin. “He’s an extraordinary person. He would have more legitimacy as a leader, credibility as a leader, and respect as a leader if he did.”Mr. Martin has met with resistance from Hawaii authorities in his pursuit of records and other evidence to corroborate a story published by WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi, saying that Gov. Linda Lingle had sealed off Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.Mr. Martin requested interdepartmental documents from the governor and attorney general’s offices, only to receive back materials that did not fit the description of what he requested. Instead of getting inter-departmental communications, Mr. Martin received 500 e-mails from citizens concerned about the secrecy surrounding Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.“Friday, I exposed how the Hawaii governor, Linda Lingle, had mailed me a package of empty materials, without the particularized documentation I had requested,” said Mr. Martin. “She violated Hawaii law. I don't understand why Ms. Lingle thinks she is helping herself by subordinating her office to the Hawaii Attorney General. Ms. Lingle is an independent constitutional officer.”In response to the resistance of government and school officials to releasing records about Mr. Obama’s past, Mr. Martin and the conference announced a boycott of Hawaii tourism, products and businesses. Any citizen can join in the boycott by going to the Web site, BoycottHawaii.com.“The BoycottHawaii.com movement will afford every person anywhere in the world a powerful new weapon to punish the State of Hawaii for concealing historical records concerning Mr. Obama,” said Mr. Martin. “I will be writing to the Punahou School, asking them to obtain permission to release his Punahou records.”Mr. Martin’s case is currently being appealed after being denied in its initial hearing.John P. Connolly can be reached at jconnolly@thebulletin.us
For Hawai'i's growing economic woes:
"Maybe when it hits Hawai'i officials in the pocketbook, they will start paying attention and stop breaking Hawai'i laws mandating disclosure," Martin stated. "The lawless behavior of Hawai'i officials in refusing to disclose public records is going to prompt more lawsuits and more embarrassment for the state, and more anger and retaliation from tourists and consumers, who will boycott Hawai'i vacations, products and businesses."
"My efforts as an independent author to search for the truth and seek the facts about Mr. Obama are drawing increasing attention. My only agenda is honest inquiry.
"In the next few hours we are going to issue a request for establishment of a major funding reservoir to expand our efforts to pry loose the historical facts in Hawai'i. There are a lot of anti-Obama hucksters in the blogosphere, they do damage to the cause of serious inquiry. We categorically reject such charlatans. We proved in Washington it is possible to have a serious discussion about Obama's missing history, and to do so with respect to the office of the president. Maybe that's why during the campaign Obama singled only me out for smear attacks on national television and had a 'dirty tricks' operation trying to undermine my efforts.
"We hope to have the opportunity to conduct similar conferences across the United States. Maybe, some day, Obama will wake up and tell Americans the truth about his past, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Until then, we will continue to seek those truths. Hawai'i officials and school leaders are trying to steal our history. They will not succeed. The polls show we are winning. The doubts remain," Martin promised.
WEB SITE: www.BoycottHawaii.com
Andy Martin/General (866) 706-2639 Cell/(917) 664-9329
Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Amazon.com or http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available.
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama and support BoycottHawaii.com.
Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama's political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American.
“The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised an almost billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
E-mail: contact@CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting experience in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of www.ContrarianCommentary.com.
Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York. He is an announced candidate for Barack Obama’s former U. S. Senate seat.
UPDATES: www.twitter.com/AndyMartinUSA
His columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com.
[NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329 (not always on)
E-MAIL: AndyMart20@aol.com © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009.
Headquarters mail:
Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Director
Post Office Box 1851
New York, NY 10150-1851
Tel. (866) 706-2639
Fax (866) 707-2639
E-mail: contact@BoycottHawaii.com
Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin announces new blogs to boycott Hawai’i tourism, businesses and products
"Hawai'i officials and school leaders are trying to steal our history," says Martin; "They won’t get away with it. What are they hiding?"
BoycottHawaii.com adds to the state's growing economic woes
(NEW YORK)(April 6, 2009) The first National Conference on Barack Obama’s Missing Birth Certificate was an outstanding success.
BoycottHawaii.com has now launched two new blogs to support the international boycott of Hawaii (also see above):
For media coverage of the National Conference:
Washington — A group seeking to force the State of Hawaii to release President Barack Obama’s birth certificate met this past weekend to discuss the prospects of getting the state to make it public as well as the involved legal issues.So-far, efforts to get Hawaii to release the birth certificate have been hampered by the doctrine of legal standing, which requires a plaintiff to show how he or she has been directly harmed by another person’s actions. In this case, courts have repeatedly ruled ordinary citizens cannot sue Mr. Obama to obtain his birth certificate because they lack standing.The lack of standing mainly stems from the fact the plaintiffs did not raise legal objections to the president’s birth certificate and his place on the ballot before the 2008 primaries. Consequently, the right to legally object was considered to have been legally waived by the courts that have already ruled on the standing issue.Andy Martin, the lawyer and author who is trying to get Hawaii to release Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, led the two-day conference. A long-time critic of Mr. Obama, Mr. Martin is credited with being the first person to raise questions about his religious upbringing and question if he was a Muslim.“There’s never been a meeting where people got together and talked about this controversy, kicked it around,” said Mr. Martin. “We might even stimulate some people to go to Hawaii and take up their own cases.”Mr. Martin, who has written a book about Mr. Obama, argues the president’s birth certificate and school records should be released for historical purposes.Hawaii has laws that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the birth certificate, with an exception for those who have a tangible interest in its contents, an interest Mr. Martin claims he has as a writer, writing about the man who is arguably one of the most public figures in the world.Mr. Martin said his case has a much better chance to succeed because the definition of standing that has kept other cases from proceeding is much more liberal in a state court than a federal court.Interest in the contents of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate intensified in 2008, when his campaign released a print off of his birth data, calling it his birth certificate.While the document is legal, it was not his birth certificate. Mr. Obama’s lengthy legal efforts to prevent the document from being released have generated questions and speculations over what he might have to hide. Speculation has varied from the possibility he could be ineligible to be president to the idea Barack Obama Sr. was not his father.Mr. Martin is critical of the many theories that have flown about in recent months, saying they are understandable, but they should be rooted in the evidence. He is working to get the birth certificate released because he says the American people want the truth.“Why doesn’t he just sit down and tell his story to the American people?” asked Mr. Martin. “He’s an extraordinary person. He would have more legitimacy as a leader, credibility as a leader, and respect as a leader if he did.”Mr. Martin has met with resistance from Hawaii authorities in his pursuit of records and other evidence to corroborate a story published by WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi, saying that Gov. Linda Lingle had sealed off Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.Mr. Martin requested interdepartmental documents from the governor and attorney general’s offices, only to receive back materials that did not fit the description of what he requested. Instead of getting inter-departmental communications, Mr. Martin received 500 e-mails from citizens concerned about the secrecy surrounding Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.“Friday, I exposed how the Hawaii governor, Linda Lingle, had mailed me a package of empty materials, without the particularized documentation I had requested,” said Mr. Martin. “She violated Hawaii law. I don't understand why Ms. Lingle thinks she is helping herself by subordinating her office to the Hawaii Attorney General. Ms. Lingle is an independent constitutional officer.”In response to the resistance of government and school officials to releasing records about Mr. Obama’s past, Mr. Martin and the conference announced a boycott of Hawaii tourism, products and businesses. Any citizen can join in the boycott by going to the Web site, BoycottHawaii.com.“The BoycottHawaii.com movement will afford every person anywhere in the world a powerful new weapon to punish the State of Hawaii for concealing historical records concerning Mr. Obama,” said Mr. Martin. “I will be writing to the Punahou School, asking them to obtain permission to release his Punahou records.”Mr. Martin’s case is currently being appealed after being denied in its initial hearing.John P. Connolly can be reached at jconnolly@thebulletin.us
For Hawai'i's growing economic woes:
"Maybe when it hits Hawai'i officials in the pocketbook, they will start paying attention and stop breaking Hawai'i laws mandating disclosure," Martin stated. "The lawless behavior of Hawai'i officials in refusing to disclose public records is going to prompt more lawsuits and more embarrassment for the state, and more anger and retaliation from tourists and consumers, who will boycott Hawai'i vacations, products and businesses."
"My efforts as an independent author to search for the truth and seek the facts about Mr. Obama are drawing increasing attention. My only agenda is honest inquiry.
"In the next few hours we are going to issue a request for establishment of a major funding reservoir to expand our efforts to pry loose the historical facts in Hawai'i. There are a lot of anti-Obama hucksters in the blogosphere, they do damage to the cause of serious inquiry. We categorically reject such charlatans. We proved in Washington it is possible to have a serious discussion about Obama's missing history, and to do so with respect to the office of the president. Maybe that's why during the campaign Obama singled only me out for smear attacks on national television and had a 'dirty tricks' operation trying to undermine my efforts.
"We hope to have the opportunity to conduct similar conferences across the United States. Maybe, some day, Obama will wake up and tell Americans the truth about his past, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Until then, we will continue to seek those truths. Hawai'i officials and school leaders are trying to steal our history. They will not succeed. The polls show we are winning. The doubts remain," Martin promised.
WEB SITE: www.BoycottHawaii.com
Andy Martin/General (866) 706-2639 Cell/(917) 664-9329
Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama's unfitness for the presidency. Buy it.
Book orders: Amazon.com or http://OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available.
URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama and support BoycottHawaii.com.
Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama's political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American.
“The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to everything America stands for," says Executive Director Andy Martin. "But while Obama has raised an almost billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will."
E-mail: contact@CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com
Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting experience in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask. Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of www.ContrarianCommentary.com.
Martin comments on regional, national and world events with over four decades of experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York. He is an announced candidate for Barack Obama’s former U. S. Senate seat.
UPDATES: www.twitter.com/AndyMartinUSA
His columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com.
[NOTE: We frequently correct typographical errors and additions/subtractions on our blogs, where you can find the latest edition of this release.]
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329 (not always on)
E-MAIL: AndyMart20@aol.com © Copyright by Andy Martin 2009.
BoycottHawaii.com adds to state's business woes
April 5, 2009
HONOLULU---- Tourism industry leaders in Hawaii coping with the sharp downturn in business travel are seeking help from a native son -- President Barack Obama.
Gov. Linda Lingle, 90 business leaders and Hawaii's four mayors wrote Obama last week urging him to oppose any measure restricting companies that receive federal funds from using business meetings "as a legitimate business tool."
As the economy faltered and federal aid recipients came under fire for sponsoring gatherings at flashy destinations, 132 groups and companies canceled meetings and incentive trips to Hawaii in the first three months of this year. The state's economy lost an estimated $98 million as a result. Other popular destinations such as Las Vegas, Florida and Arizona are seeing similar cancelations.
"This has had a huge effect on the economy in the areas and jobs in the industry," Hawaii tourism liaison Marsha Wienert said.
Fearing Congress will pass legislation that further weakens the lucrative conventions, meetings and incentive travel market, the industry has launched a campaign to change perceptions of business travel.
Hawaii has a large stake in the campaign's success: Some 442,000 business travelers visited the state last year to attend meetings, accounting for 7 percent of total visitors and at least 12 percent of all visitor spending, said Michael Murray, who heads corporate meetings for the Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau.
"It's a very lucrative market," Murray said.
Industry leaders blame this year's drop-off on the media and legislators' response to spending by companies that have received federal bailout funds. But the industry had been dealing for a year with companies tightening their budgets in tough economic times by the time business travel became a political issue this winter.
Hawaii has rolled out a flurry of incentives, programs and deep discounts in hopes of luring back companies. The convention bureau even launched a Web site with special offers that touts the islands as a place for business.
"The pace of bookings have fallen off the edge of the world," Wienert said. "That's why we have all these incentives out there right now."
Fortune 500 companies long used trips to the islands to reward top employees. Some would book entire resorts, rent out golf courses and host extravagant parties. As recently as 2007, for example, Toyota Motor Sales USA, paid $500,000 to rent out the lower campus of the University of Hawaii for a private concert by Aerosmith for 6,000 dealers and their guests.
Those days are gone.
Among the 132 cancellations was a Wells Fargo Co. corporate meeting booked at the sprawling 3,543-room Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort in May. In February, the bank abruptly canceled a Las Vegas trip after criticism that it was misusing $25 billion in bailout money.
"Let's get this straight: These guys are going to Vegas to roll the dice on the taxpayer dime?" said Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, a West Virginia Republican who sits on the House Financial Services Committee. "They're tone deaf. It's outrageous."
The Vegas trip was to have come on the heels of an announcement that Wells Fargo lost more than $2.3 billion in the last three months of 2008.
Wells Fargo declined comment on the Hawaii cancellation and instead pointed to a full-page ad that ran in The New York Times Feb. 8, in which President and CEO John Stumpf said that Wells Fargo's employee recognition events were not funded by the government and that media coverage of the issue was "one-sided."
"Make no mistake, companies that have received taxpayer assistance must be held to a different standard and conduct their business in a transparent and responsible manner," said Roger Dow, CEO of group. "But the pendulum has swung too far. The climate of fear is causing a historic pullback of business meetings and events, with a devastating impact on small businesses, American workers and communities."
Several other companies have canceled Hawaiian trips, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, LPL Financial and AT&T, said Hilton Hawaii Vice President Gerard Gibson.
"I want to believe that things will get better. But quite frankly, Mr. President, Hawaii is in trouble," Gibson wrote in a personal letter to Obama Feb. 19. Gibson said his Hawaii properties had lost $12.4 million worth of business.
Hawaii has dealt with an image problem for years, however.
"We have to convince people we're a serious place where business can get done," said John Monahan, president and CEO of the visitors and convention bureau. "We're never going to fool anyone that Hawaii isn't Hawaii. That brand is built so well, we don't really need to talk about sun, sand and surf any more."
Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
April 5, 2009
HONOLULU---- Tourism industry leaders in Hawaii coping with the sharp downturn in business travel are seeking help from a native son -- President Barack Obama.
Gov. Linda Lingle, 90 business leaders and Hawaii's four mayors wrote Obama last week urging him to oppose any measure restricting companies that receive federal funds from using business meetings "as a legitimate business tool."
As the economy faltered and federal aid recipients came under fire for sponsoring gatherings at flashy destinations, 132 groups and companies canceled meetings and incentive trips to Hawaii in the first three months of this year. The state's economy lost an estimated $98 million as a result. Other popular destinations such as Las Vegas, Florida and Arizona are seeing similar cancelations.
"This has had a huge effect on the economy in the areas and jobs in the industry," Hawaii tourism liaison Marsha Wienert said.
Fearing Congress will pass legislation that further weakens the lucrative conventions, meetings and incentive travel market, the industry has launched a campaign to change perceptions of business travel.
Hawaii has a large stake in the campaign's success: Some 442,000 business travelers visited the state last year to attend meetings, accounting for 7 percent of total visitors and at least 12 percent of all visitor spending, said Michael Murray, who heads corporate meetings for the Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau.
"It's a very lucrative market," Murray said.
Industry leaders blame this year's drop-off on the media and legislators' response to spending by companies that have received federal bailout funds. But the industry had been dealing for a year with companies tightening their budgets in tough economic times by the time business travel became a political issue this winter.
Hawaii has rolled out a flurry of incentives, programs and deep discounts in hopes of luring back companies. The convention bureau even launched a Web site with special offers that touts the islands as a place for business.
"The pace of bookings have fallen off the edge of the world," Wienert said. "That's why we have all these incentives out there right now."
Fortune 500 companies long used trips to the islands to reward top employees. Some would book entire resorts, rent out golf courses and host extravagant parties. As recently as 2007, for example, Toyota Motor Sales USA, paid $500,000 to rent out the lower campus of the University of Hawaii for a private concert by Aerosmith for 6,000 dealers and their guests.
Those days are gone.
Among the 132 cancellations was a Wells Fargo Co. corporate meeting booked at the sprawling 3,543-room Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort in May. In February, the bank abruptly canceled a Las Vegas trip after criticism that it was misusing $25 billion in bailout money.
"Let's get this straight: These guys are going to Vegas to roll the dice on the taxpayer dime?" said Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, a West Virginia Republican who sits on the House Financial Services Committee. "They're tone deaf. It's outrageous."
The Vegas trip was to have come on the heels of an announcement that Wells Fargo lost more than $2.3 billion in the last three months of 2008.
Wells Fargo declined comment on the Hawaii cancellation and instead pointed to a full-page ad that ran in The New York Times Feb. 8, in which President and CEO John Stumpf said that Wells Fargo's employee recognition events were not funded by the government and that media coverage of the issue was "one-sided."
"Make no mistake, companies that have received taxpayer assistance must be held to a different standard and conduct their business in a transparent and responsible manner," said Roger Dow, CEO of group. "But the pendulum has swung too far. The climate of fear is causing a historic pullback of business meetings and events, with a devastating impact on small businesses, American workers and communities."
Several other companies have canceled Hawaiian trips, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, LPL Financial and AT&T, said Hilton Hawaii Vice President Gerard Gibson.
"I want to believe that things will get better. But quite frankly, Mr. President, Hawaii is in trouble," Gibson wrote in a personal letter to Obama Feb. 19. Gibson said his Hawaii properties had lost $12.4 million worth of business.
Hawaii has dealt with an image problem for years, however.
"We have to convince people we're a serious place where business can get done," said John Monahan, president and CEO of the visitors and convention bureau. "We're never going to fool anyone that Hawaii isn't Hawaii. That brand is built so well, we don't really need to talk about sun, sand and surf any more."
Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Philadelphia Bulletin story on National Conference
Conference Discusses Obama’s Birth Certificate
Group Begins Movement To Boycott Hawaii
By JOHN P. CONNOLLY, The Bulletin
Monday, April 6, 2009
Washington — A group seeking to force the State of Hawaii to release President Barack Obama’s birth certificate met this past weekend to discuss the prospects of getting the state to make it public as well as the involved legal issues.So-far, efforts to get Hawaii to release the birth certificate have been hampered by the doctrine of legal standing, which requires a plaintiff to show how he or she has been directly harmed by another person’s actions. In this case, courts have repeatedly ruled ordinary citizens cannot sue Mr. Obama to obtain his birth certificate because they lack standing.The lack of standing mainly stems from the fact the plaintiffs did not raise legal objections to the president’s birth certificate and his place on the ballot before the 2008 primaries. Consequently, the right to legally object was considered to have been legally waived by the courts that have already ruled on the standing issue.Andy Martin, the lawyer and author who is trying to get Hawaii to release Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, led the two-day conference. A long-time critic of Mr. Obama, Mr. Martin is credited with being the first person to raise questions about his religious upbringing and question if he was a Muslim.“There’s never been a meeting where people got together and talked about this controversy, kicked it around,” said Mr. Martin. “We might even stimulate some people to go to Hawaii and take up their own cases.”Mr. Martin, who has written a book about Mr. Obama, argues the president’s birth certificate and school records should be released for historical purposes.Hawaii has laws that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the birth certificate, with an exception for those who have a tangible interest in its contents, an interest Mr. Martin claims he has as a writer, writing about the man who is arguably one of the most public figures in the world.Mr. Martin said his case has a much better chance to succeed because the definition of standing that has kept other cases from proceeding is much more liberal in a state court than a federal court.Interest in the contents of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate intensified in 2008, when his campaign released a print off of his birth data, calling it his birth certificate.While the document is legal, it was not his birth certificate. Mr. Obama’s lengthy legal efforts to prevent the document from being released have generated questions and speculations over what he might have to hide. Speculation has varied from the possibility he could be ineligible to be president to the idea Barack Obama Sr. was not his father.Mr. Martin is critical of the many theories that have flown about in recent months, saying they are understandable, but they should be rooted in the evidence. He is working to get the birth certificate released because he says the American people want the truth.“Why doesn’t he just sit down and tell his story to the American people?” asked Mr. Martin. “He’s an extraordinary person. He would have more legitimacy as a leader, credibility as a leader, and respect as a leader if he did.”Mr. Martin has met with resistance from Hawaii authorities in his pursuit of records and other evidence to corroborate a story published by WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi, saying that Gov. Linda Lingle had sealed off Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.Mr. Martin requested interdepartmental documents from the governor and attorney general’s offices, only to receive back materials that did not fit the description of what he requested. Instead of getting inter-departmental communications, Mr. Martin received 500 e-mails from citizens concerned about the secrecy surrounding Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.“Friday, I exposed how the Hawaii governor, Linda Lingle, had mailed me a package of empty materials, without the particularized documentation I had requested,” said Mr. Martin. “She violated Hawaii law. I don't understand why Ms. Lingle thinks she is helping herself by subordinating her office to the Hawaii Attorney General. Ms. Lingle is an independent constitutional officer.”In response to the resistance of government and school officials to releasing records about Mr. Obama’s past, Mr. Martin and the conference announced a boycott of Hawaii tourism, products and businesses. Any citizen can join in the boycott by going to the Web site, BoycottHawaii.com.“The BoycottHawaii.com movement will afford every person anywhere in the world a powerful new weapon to punish the State of Hawaii for concealing historical records concerning Mr. Obama,” said Mr. Martin. “I will be writing to the Punahou School, asking them to obtain permission to release his Punahou records.”Mr. Martin’s case is currently being appealed after being denied in its initial hearing.John P. Connolly can be reached at jconnolly@thebulletin.us
Copyright © 2009 - The Bulletin
Conference Discusses Obama’s Birth Certificate
Group Begins Movement To Boycott Hawaii
By JOHN P. CONNOLLY, The Bulletin
Monday, April 6, 2009
Washington — A group seeking to force the State of Hawaii to release President Barack Obama’s birth certificate met this past weekend to discuss the prospects of getting the state to make it public as well as the involved legal issues.So-far, efforts to get Hawaii to release the birth certificate have been hampered by the doctrine of legal standing, which requires a plaintiff to show how he or she has been directly harmed by another person’s actions. In this case, courts have repeatedly ruled ordinary citizens cannot sue Mr. Obama to obtain his birth certificate because they lack standing.The lack of standing mainly stems from the fact the plaintiffs did not raise legal objections to the president’s birth certificate and his place on the ballot before the 2008 primaries. Consequently, the right to legally object was considered to have been legally waived by the courts that have already ruled on the standing issue.Andy Martin, the lawyer and author who is trying to get Hawaii to release Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, led the two-day conference. A long-time critic of Mr. Obama, Mr. Martin is credited with being the first person to raise questions about his religious upbringing and question if he was a Muslim.“There’s never been a meeting where people got together and talked about this controversy, kicked it around,” said Mr. Martin. “We might even stimulate some people to go to Hawaii and take up their own cases.”Mr. Martin, who has written a book about Mr. Obama, argues the president’s birth certificate and school records should be released for historical purposes.Hawaii has laws that prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the birth certificate, with an exception for those who have a tangible interest in its contents, an interest Mr. Martin claims he has as a writer, writing about the man who is arguably one of the most public figures in the world.Mr. Martin said his case has a much better chance to succeed because the definition of standing that has kept other cases from proceeding is much more liberal in a state court than a federal court.Interest in the contents of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate intensified in 2008, when his campaign released a print off of his birth data, calling it his birth certificate.While the document is legal, it was not his birth certificate. Mr. Obama’s lengthy legal efforts to prevent the document from being released have generated questions and speculations over what he might have to hide. Speculation has varied from the possibility he could be ineligible to be president to the idea Barack Obama Sr. was not his father.Mr. Martin is critical of the many theories that have flown about in recent months, saying they are understandable, but they should be rooted in the evidence. He is working to get the birth certificate released because he says the American people want the truth.“Why doesn’t he just sit down and tell his story to the American people?” asked Mr. Martin. “He’s an extraordinary person. He would have more legitimacy as a leader, credibility as a leader, and respect as a leader if he did.”Mr. Martin has met with resistance from Hawaii authorities in his pursuit of records and other evidence to corroborate a story published by WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi, saying that Gov. Linda Lingle had sealed off Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.Mr. Martin requested interdepartmental documents from the governor and attorney general’s offices, only to receive back materials that did not fit the description of what he requested. Instead of getting inter-departmental communications, Mr. Martin received 500 e-mails from citizens concerned about the secrecy surrounding Mr. Obama’s birth certificate.“Friday, I exposed how the Hawaii governor, Linda Lingle, had mailed me a package of empty materials, without the particularized documentation I had requested,” said Mr. Martin. “She violated Hawaii law. I don't understand why Ms. Lingle thinks she is helping herself by subordinating her office to the Hawaii Attorney General. Ms. Lingle is an independent constitutional officer.”In response to the resistance of government and school officials to releasing records about Mr. Obama’s past, Mr. Martin and the conference announced a boycott of Hawaii tourism, products and businesses. Any citizen can join in the boycott by going to the Web site, BoycottHawaii.com.“The BoycottHawaii.com movement will afford every person anywhere in the world a powerful new weapon to punish the State of Hawaii for concealing historical records concerning Mr. Obama,” said Mr. Martin. “I will be writing to the Punahou School, asking them to obtain permission to release his Punahou records.”Mr. Martin’s case is currently being appealed after being denied in its initial hearing.John P. Connolly can be reached at jconnolly@thebulletin.us
Copyright © 2009 - The Bulletin
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